
Template | Example

1. Visit GitHub and create a new repository to store your data.
2. Create a folder named images for your avatar & a file named "resume.json".
3. Navigate to the /public/data folder in your application.
4. Copy the "template.json" file as a reference for creating your "resume.json" file.
5. Deploy a static site for your repository using GitHub Pages.
6. This allows easier data updates, avoiding constant application deployments
7. Obtain your new GitHub Pages URL and return to update the endpoint in src/libs/resumeAPI.
8. Once done, your updated resume will be accessible here.

Note: While you can use the "example.json" file for real-time updates during development, once your application is in production, you will need a separate JSON file properly configured for the application to function correctly.

For any questions, feel free to contact me directly at

Helpful links:
devbuild-resume repository
resume.json repository

I hope you enjoy!